(in Pounds)"); define("TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_PRICE", "Shipping Price"); define("TXT_WPSC_IF_PRICE_IS", "If price is "); define("TXT_WPSC_IF_WEIGHT_IS", "If weight is "); define("TXT_WPSC_AND_ABOVE", " and above"); define("TXT_WPSC_DISPLAY_THE_GROUP_IMAGES", "Display the Group thumbnails in the sidebar"); define("TXT_WPSC_DISPLAY_THE_GROUP", "Display the :category: Group"); define('TXT_WPSC_OUT_OF_STOCK_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'This product has no available stock'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'Oops. We have encountered a problem with the shipping details you provided. If this problem persists you should contact the site owner.'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_A_SHIPPING_RATE', '- Choose a Shipping Rate'); define('TXT_WPSC_CALCULATE', 'Calculate'); define('TXT_WPSC_GROUP_PRESENTATION_TEXT', 'To over-ride the presentation settings for this group you can enter in your prefered settings here'); define('TXT_WPSC_GROUP_SETTINGS', 'Product Group Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_GROUP_IMAGE', 'Group Image'); define('TXT_WPSC_THUMBNAIL_SIZE', 'Thumbnail Size'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATALOG_VIEW', 'Catalog View'); define('TXT_WPSC_GROUP_IMAGE_TEXT', 'You can upload thumbnail images for each group. To display Group details in your shop you must configure these settings under Presentation Settings.'); define('TXT_WPSC_IMPORT_CSV', 'Import Products CSV'); define('TXT_WPSC_IMPORT_CSV_DESCRIPTION', '
You can import your products from a comma delimited text file.
An example of a cvs import file would look like this:
Description, Additional Description, Product Name, Price, SKU, weight, weight unit, stock quantity, is limited quantity
'); define('TXT_WPSC_MORE', 'More'); define('TXT_WPSC_WEIGHT_SETTINGS', 'Weight Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_PROMOTE_YOUR_SHOP', 'Now you have a site with products you need to get your products out there.
Three of the best places to link your WordPress e-Commerce site are here:
By linking your site to any of these locations you are ensuring that people will browse to your site.
'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_BUT_NO_CURL', 'The following shipping modules all need cURL which is not installed on this server, you may need to contact your web hosting provider to get it set up. '); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASE_ENTER_ZIPCODE', 'Please enter a zipcode.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASE_SELECT_SHIPPING', 'Please select a shipping option.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_NEW_VARIATIONS', '+ Add New Variations'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADMIN_ENGRAVE', 'Users can personalize this product by leaving a message on single product page'); define('TXT_WPSC_PERSONALISATION_OPTIONS','Personalisation Options'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_SHIPPING', "To enable shipping in WP e-Commerce you must select which shipping methods you want to enable on your site"); define('TXT_WPSC_FLAT_RATE_SETTINGS', "Flat Rate Settings"); define('TXT_WPSC_OFF_SITE_LINK', "Off Site Product Link"); define('TXT_WPSC_NOTE_ONLY_AVAILABLE_HERE', 'These notes are only available here.'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORY_AND_TAG_CONTROL', 'Categories and Tags'); define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_ZIPCODE', 'Base Zipcode/Postcode:'); define('TXT_WPSC_USPS_DESC', 'If you are based in America then you need to set your own Zipcode for UPS and USPS to work. This should be the Zipcode for your Base of Operations.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_DETAILS', 'Shipping Details'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_METHOD', 'Shipping Method'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_OPTION', 'Shipping Option'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_EXTERNAL_SHIPPING_MODULES', 'External Shipping Calculators'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_INTERNAL_SHIPPING_MODULES', 'Internal Shipping Calculators'); define('TXT_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTION', 'Display Description'); define('TXT_DISPLAY_ADDTOCART', 'Display "Add To Cart" Button'); define('TXT_DISPLAY_MOREDETAILS', 'Display "More Details" Button'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOOGLE_BASE', 'Google Base'); define('TXT_WPSC_GRANT_ACCESS', 'Grant Access'); define('TXT_WPSC_LABEL_CONTROL', 'Label Control'); define('TXT_WPSC_LABELS', 'Add Label'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_CODE', 'Product Code'); define('TXT_WPSC_LIFE_NUMBER', 'Life Number'); define('TXT_WPSC_ITEM_NUMBER', 'Item Number'); define('TXT_WPSC_LABEL_DESC', 'Label Description'); define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULT_PURCHASE_RECEIPT', 'Thank you for purchasing with %shop_name%, any items to be shipped will be processed as soon as possible, any items that can be downloaded can be downloaded using the links on this page. All prices include tax and postage and packaging where applicable. You ordered these items: %product_list% %total_shipping% %total_price%'); define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULT_PURCHASE_REPORT', ' %product_list% %total_shipping% %total_price%'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_DOWNLOADABLE_VARIATIONS', 'Choose a downloadable file for this variation'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_DOWNLOADABLE_VARIATIONS', 'Choose a downloadable file for this variation'); define('TXT_WPSC_FLASH_UPLOADER', 'You are using the Flash uploader. Problems? Try the Browser uploader instead.'); define('TXT_WPSC_BROWSER_UPLOADER', 'You are using the Browser uploader. Problems? Try the Flash uploader instead.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADMIN_REPORT', 'Admin Report'); define('TXT_WPSC_TAGS_CAN_BE_USED', 'Tags can be used'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL_SETTINGS', 'Custom Messages'); define('TXT_WPSC_ERROR_OCCURED_WHILE_SENDING_EMAIL', 'An Error Occured While Sending Email'); define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL_SENT', 'Email Sent'); define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIONS', 'Actions'); define('TXT_WPSC_FILE_NAMES', 'File Names'); define('TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOADS_LEFT', 'Downloads Left'); define('TXT_WPSC_FILE', 'Files'); define('TXT_WPSC_PDF', 'PDF'); define('TXT_WPSC_LABEL', 'Label'); define('TXT_WPSC_TABLE_RATED_PRICE', 'Table Rate Price'); define('TXT_WPSC_DATE_REQUESTED', 'Date requested'); define('TXT_WPSC_MULTIPLE_ADDING_PRODUCTS', 'Add quantity field to each product description'); define('TXT_WPSC_COMMENTS_NOTES_FIELD', 'Add comments/notes field per each item'); define('TXT_WPSC_COMMENTS', 'Comments'); define('TXT_WPSC_COMMENT', 'Comment'); define('TXT_WPSC_PDF', 'PDF File'); define('TXT_WPSC_SORT_PRODUCT_BY', 'Sort Product By'); define('TXT_WPSC_TIME_UPLOADED', 'Time Uploaded'); define('TXT_WPSC_VIEW_PACKING_SLIP', 'View Packing Slip'); define('TXT_WPSC_PACKING_SLIP', 'Packing Slip'); define('TXT_WPSC_NO_STOCK', 'No Stock'); define('TXT_WPSC_SELECTYOURBUSINESSLOCATION','Select your primary business location.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ENTEREMAILADDRESS', 'Enter the email address for the owner of this shop to receive e-mail notifications.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPINGOPTIONS', 'Shipping Options'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_MODULES', 'Shipping Modules'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_SHIPPING_MODULES', 'Choose Shipping Modules'); define('TXT_WPSC_CONFIGURE_SHIPPING_MODULES', 'To configure a shipping module select one on the left.'); define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASESELECTASHIPPINGPROVIDER', 'Select a Shipping Provider'); define('TXT_WPSC_UPGRADE_TO_GOLD','Upgrade to Gold'); define('TXT_WPSC_UNLEASH_MORE',' and unleash more functionality into your shop.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ENGRAVE_LINE_ONE','Line 1'); define('TXT_WPSC_ENGRAVE_LINE_TWO','Line 2'); define('TXT_WPSC_SHOP_SETTINGS','Shop Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_MONEY_AND_PAYMENT','Money and Payment'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHECKOUT_PAGE_SETTINGS','Checkout Page Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_LOGIN_TO_GOOGLE_BASE','Login to Google base'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADWIDG_ADD_PAGES','Add Pages'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADWIDG_ADD_PRODUCTS','Add Products'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADWIDG_PRESENTATION','Presentation'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADWIDG_ADD_PAGES_TITLE','People come here to write new pages'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADWIDG_ADD_PRODUCTS_TITLE','People come here to add products'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADWIDG_PRESENTATION_TITLE','People come here to change themes and widgets settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOLD_ACTIVATED','The gold cart is currently activated.'); define('TXT_WPSC_GOLD_DEACTIVATED','The gold cart is currently deactivated.'); define('TXT_WPSC_COMMISSIONTOPAY','Commission to Pay'); define('TXT_WPSC_TOTALCOMMISSION','Total Commission'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT','Payment'); define('TXT_WPSC_USERNAME','Username'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAID','Paid'); define('TXT_WPSC_NONEEDTOPAY','No need to pay'); define('TXT_WPSC_AFFILIATIONCODE','Affiliation Code'); define('TXT_WPSC_COMMISSIONPERCENTAGE','Commission Percentage'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOURPAYPALEMAIL','Your Paypal Account Email'); define('TXT_WPSC_SETTINGS', 'Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_EARNINGS', 'Earnings'); define('TXT_WPSC_AFFILIATE', 'Affiliate'); //define('TXT_WPSC_SALES_DASHBOARD', 'This month you made :affiliatesalecount: and generated a total of :monthtotal: and your total affiliate sales ever is :affiliateoveraltotal:. '); define('TXT_WPSC_COMMISION', 'Commission to pay'); define('TXT_WPSC_LOG_AFFILIATES', 'Display Affiliate Sales'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTS_PAGE_SETTINGS', 'Product Page Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_CARTSETTINGS', 'Shopping Cart Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_REPLACE_PAGE_TITLE', 'Replace Page Title With Product/Category Name'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORY_PRODUCT_IMAGE', 'Product Image Size'); define('TXT_WPSC_SETONSETTINGS', 'This is set on the Settings Page'); define('TXT_WPSC_AFFILIATION', 'Affiliation'); define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYTYPE', 'Display Type'); define('TXT_WPSC_SKU_FULL', 'Stock Keeping Unit'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_GATEWAYS', 'Payment Gateways'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTCOUNT_SINGULAR','product'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTCOUNT_PLURAL','products'); define('TXT_WPSC_GROUPCOUNT_SINGULAR','group'); define('TXT_WPSC_GROUPCOUNT_PLURAL','groups'); define('TXT_WPSC_SALECOUNT_SINGULAR','sale'); define('TXT_WPSC_SALECOUNT_PLURAL','sales'); define('TXT_WPSC_PENDINGCOUNT_SINGULAR','transaction'); define('TXT_WPSC_PENDINGCOUNT_PLURAL','transactions'); define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_SINGULAR','variation'); define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_PLURAL','variations'); define('TXT_WPSC_SALES_DASHBOARD', 'You have :productcount:, contained within :groupcount:. This month you made :salecount: and generated a total of :monthtotal: and your total sales ever is :overaltotal:. You have :pendingcount: awaiting approval.'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOUAREUSING', 'You are using the :theme: style. This is WP e-Commerce :versionnumber:.'); define('TXT_WPSC_NO_SHORTCODE', 'This item product is still waiting to be added to your catalogue. There are no shortcodes or tags available at this point.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SKU', 'SKU'); define('TXT_WPSC_YOUR_ORDER', 'Your Order'); define('TXT_WPSC_ABOUT_THIS_PAGE', 'About This Page'); define('TXT_WPSC_ORDER_PENDING_PAYMENT_REQUIRED', 'Order Pending: Payment Required'); define('TXT_WPSC_SELECTALLCATEGORIES', 'Show All Products'); define('TXT_WPSC_CURRENT_GROUP', '"[categorisation]" Group'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDITING_GROUP', 'You are editing the "[categorisation]" Group'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADDING_TO_GROUP', 'You are adding a new item to the "[categorisation]" Group'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDITING_IN_GROUP', 'You are editing an item in the "[categorisation]" Group'); define('TXT_WPSC_PURCHASE_UNAVAILABLE', 'Purchase unavailable options'); define('TXT_WPSC_WE_RECOMMEND', 'We Recommend'); define('TXT_WPSC_SELECT_PRODUCT_GROUP', 'Select a Group to Manage'); define('TXT_WPSC_EDIT_THIS_GROUP', 'Edit This Group'); define('TXT_WPSC_USPS_USERID', 'USPS ID'); define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_ID', 'Product ID'); define('TXT_WPSC_USPS_PASSWORD', 'USPS Password'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_GENERAL_TAB', 'General'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_PRESENTATION_TAB', 'Presentation'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_SHIPPING_TAB', 'Shipping'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_PAYMENT_TAB', 'Payment'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_ADMIN_TAB', 'Admin'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_MARKETING_TAB', 'Marketing'); define('TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHED_FILES', 'Download attached file'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADMIN_SEARCH_PRODUCTS', 'Search for a Product'); define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_PAYMENT_GATEWAYS', 'Activate the payment gateways that you want to make available to your customers by selecting them below.'); define('TXT_WPSC_CONFIGURE_PAYMENT_GATEWAY', ' Select a Payment Gateway below to configure it.'); // to come: "Click on a payment option to configure it" define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_BREADCRUMBS', 'Show Breadcrumbs'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_INSTRUCTIONS_DESCR', 'Enter the payment instructions that you wish to display to your customers when they make a purchase'); define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_INSTRUCTIONS_BELOW_DESCR', 'For example, this is where you the Shop Owner might enter your bank account details or address so that your customer can make their manual payment.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ALLOW_UPLOADING_IMAGE', 'Users can upload images on single product page to purchase logs.'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_GENERAL_HEADER', 'General Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_PRESENTATION_HEADER', 'Presentation Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_SHIPPING_HEADER', 'Shipping Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_PAYMENT_HEADER', 'Payment Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_ADMIN_HEADER', 'Admin Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_OPTIONS_MARKETING_HEADER', 'Marketing Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_UPLOAD_IMAGE_FOR', 'Upload Image for'); define('TXT_WPSC_THUMBNAILSETTINGS', 'Thumbnail Settings'); define('TXT_WPSC_THANKS_UNLOCKED', 'Thanks, the downloads that were locked to this users IP number have been freed.'); define('TXT_WPSC_SELECTGATEWAY', 'Select a payment gateway'); define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_LIST', 'Select a Variation'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORISATION_GROUPS_DESCR', 'Categorizing your products into groups help your customers find them. For instance if you sell hats and trousers you might want to setup a Group called clothes and add hats and trousers to that group.'); define('TXT_WPSC_CATEGORISATION_DESCR', 'Product Grouping Widget'); define('WPSC_DOWNLOAD_INVALID', 'This download is no longer valid, Please contact the site administrator for more information.'); define('TXT_WPSC_LOCK_DOWNLOADS_TO_IP', 'Lock downloads to IP address'); define('TXT_WPSC_CLEAR_IP_LOCKS', 'Unlock any downloads locked to an IP address for this order'); define('TXT_WPSC_THANKS_UNLOCKED', 'Thanks, the downloads that were locked to this users IP number have been freed.'); define('TXT_WPSC_USER_UNLOCKED_EMAIL', 'The administrator has unlocked your file'); define('TXT_WPSC_USER_UNLOCKED_EMAIL_MESSAGE', 'Dear Customer We are pleased to advise you that your order has been updated and your downloads are now active. Please download your purchase using the links provided below. [download_links] Thank you for your custom.'); define('TXT_WPSC_ADMIN_EMPTY_CATEGORY', 'This group is set as your default product group, you should either add some items to it or switch your default product group to one that does contain items.'); define('TXT_WPSC_USING_EXAMPLE_CATEGORY', 'You are using the example product group as your default group and it has no products in it, you should set the default group to something else, you can do so from your Shop Settings page.'); define('TXT_WPSC_NO_DEFAULT_PRODUCTS', 'Your "products page" is not currently set to display any products. You need to select a product grouping to display by default.If you are upgrading from Previous Version we suggest you deactivate and reactivate the plugin.
You will find more information about the following WP e-Commerce modules by visiting the Instinct BlogShop website.
If you want a new feature that is not currently supported by WP e-Commerce here then you can either commission the development or add it to the wish list in the community forums.
If required you can enter in Tax rates on the Options page in the "e-Commerce" tab.
Email purchase Logs
If you add an email address for the purchase log on the Purchase Log page this will be the email address that is sent a purchase notification each time something is bought.
Hiding pages
To prevent the Shopping Cart, Checkout and Transaction Results pages from being displayed in the page list you must first find out their ID numbers.
Then you have to edit the file in the theme you use that displays pages. This is normally found in sidebar.php, find the line similar to:
"<?php wp_list_pages(\'title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>\' ); ?>"
and replace with
"<?php wp_list_pages(\'title_li=<h2>Pages<h2>&exclude=3,4,5\'); ?>"
The word exclude tells it to exclude the pages from the list, replace 3,4,5 with the ID numbers of the pages you wish to exclude.
Image Functions
If your server does not have the PHP image functions installed, you will not be able to resize images once they are uploaded
We\'re doing the best we can.
I have not been able to find a really good way to pass the required variables from page to page using permalinks that dont use mod_rewrite, if you cant use mod_rewrite, the plugin may not work with permalinks turned on.
Javascript and Ajax
e-commerce lite uses Ajax, the shopping cart that the user sees will work without Javascript, but the Administration pages (specifically the Products and Categories pages) will not. To use the Administration section you will need to use a reasonably modern browser and have Javascript turned on. (Internet Explorer 6 or better, or Firefox 1.0 or better, older versions have not been tested for and may or may not work)
More on Flickr
We have created a number of visual guides on Flickr.
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPINGSETTINGS', 'Shipping Settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_LOCAL', 'Base Local Shipping');
define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_INTERNATIONAL', 'Base International Shipping');
define('TXT_WPSC_BASE_COUNTRY', 'Base Country/Region');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_DETAILS', 'Additional Shipping Costs'); // this needs updating
define('TXT_WPSC_LOCAL_PNP', 'Local Shipping Fee'); // this needs updating
define('TXT_WPSC_INTERNATIONAL_PNP', 'International Shipping Fee'); // this needs updating
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_NOTE', 'Note: charged only once per product regardless of quantity ordered.');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUNTRY_FORM_FIELD', 'Country Form Field');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUNTRY_FORM_FIELD_EXPLANATION', '(select which form field on the checkout page you want to use for specifying the country)');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING', 'Shipping');
define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL_FORM_FIELD', 'Email Form Field');
define('TXT_WPSC_EMAIL_FORM_FIELD_EXPLANATION', '(select which form field on the checkout page you want to use for specifying the email address)');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTIMAGES', 'Product Images');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTDOWNLOAD', 'Product Download');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWTHUMBNAILS', 'Show Thumbnails');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE', 'Add Additional Image');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELETE_IMAGE', 'Delete Image');
define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIVATE_SETTINGS', 'Gold Cart Activation');
define('TXT_WPSC_THANKSACTIVATED', 'Thanks, the gold shopping cart has been activated.');
define('TXT_WPSC_NOTACTIVATED', 'Sorry, the API key was incorrect.');
define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULT', 'Default View');
define('TXT_WPSC_LIST', 'List View');
define('TXT_WPSC_VISIBLE', 'Visible');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELETE_PRODUCT', 'Delete Product');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADDITIONAL_IMAGE', 'Additional Image');
define('TXT_WPSC_GATEWAY_OPTIONS', 'Gateway Options');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPPING_COUNTRY', 'Calculate Shipping Price');
define('TXT_WPSC_CONFIRM_TOTALS', 'Confirm your totals before making the payment:');
define('TXT_WPSC_CHECKOUT_FORM_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION', 'Here you can customise the forms to be displayed in your checkout page. The checkout page is where you collect important user information that will show up in your purchase logs i.e. the buyers address, and name...');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_OPTIONS', 'Payment Options');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_DESCRIPTION', 'Choose what payment options you want to make available in the checkout page. By default purchasers can only pay for items using a credit card however you may wish to also let them pay manually in which case you should select the credit card + manual payment option.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLUS_MANUAL_PAYMENT', ' plus manual payment option');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment Method');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAY_USING', 'Pay using');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAY_MANUALLY', 'Pay by Cheque/Bank Deposit');
define('TXT_WPSC_CREDIT_CARD', 'Credit Card');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADJUSTABLE_QUANTITY', 'Show quantity form in list view');
define('TXT_WPSC_RSS_FEED_HEADER', 'Subscribe to your orders');
define('TXT_WPSC_RSS_FEED_LINK', 'Subscribe to an RSS feed');
define('TXT_WPSC_RSS_FEED_TEXT', 'of your orders');
define('TXT_WPSC_INITIAL_SETUP', 'Created default options.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLUGIN_NEWS_HEADER', 'Plugin News');
The WP DropShop Module is the latest and most cutting edge shopping cart available online. Coupled with Grid View then your site will be the talk of street!
The GridView Module is a visual module built to enhance the way your product page looks.
WP Campaign Monitor is an email newsletter tool built just for WP users who want to send campaigns, track the results and manage their subscribers. The latest version integrates with e-commerce lite meaning that you will be able to send buyers email newsletters and much more.
define('TXT_WPSC_POWERED_BY', 'This shop is powered by ');
define('TXT_WPSC_NO_PURCHASES', 'There have not been any purchases yet.');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_ADDRESS', 'Delivery Address');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_CITY', 'Delivery City');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_COUNTRY', 'Delivery Country');
define('TXT_WPSC_MP3_SETTINGS', 'MP3 Settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_MP3_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION', 'To create the 30 second MP3 file clips, this plugin needs SoX compiled with MP3 support, enter the path to SoX here.');
define('TXT_WPSC_SOX_PATH', 'SoX Path');
define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW', 'Preview');
define('TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOAD_CSV', 'Download CSV');
define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW_FILE', 'Preview File');
define('TXT_WPSC_NEW_PREVIEW_FILE', 'New Preview File');
define('TXT_WPSC_REPLACE_PRODUCT', 'Replace Product');
define('TXT_WPSC_TOTALSHIPPING', 'Total Shipping');
define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAY_FRONT_PAGE', 'Display on Front page');
define('TXT_WPSC_SEARCH_FOR', 'Search For');
define('TXT_WPSC_YOUR_SEARCH_FOR', 'Your search for');
define('TXT_WPSC_RETURNED_NO_RESULTS', 'returned no results.');
define('TXT_WPSC_POSTAGE', 'Postage');
define('TXT_WPSC_SUBTOTAL', 'Subtotal');
//everything under here needs translations, added after 19/1/2007
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALID', 'Please enter a valid');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDNAME', 'Please enter your first name.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDSURNAME', 'Please enter your last name.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDEMAILADDRESS', 'Please enter a valid email address.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDADDRESS', 'Please complete your address.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDCITY', 'Please enter your town or city.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEENTERAVALIDPHONENUMBER', 'Please enter a valid phone number.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEASELECTSHIPPINGMETHOD', 'You must select a shipping method, otherwise we cannot process your order.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASESELECTCOUNTRY', 'Please select your country from the list.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASEAGREETERMSANDCONDITIONS', 'Please agree to the terms and conditions, otherwise we cannot process your order.');
define('TXT_WPSC_POSITION', 'Position');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_REGION', 'Delivery Region');
define('TXT_WPSC_GENERAL_SETTINGS', 'General Settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_TAX_SETTINGS', 'Tax Settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_POSTAGE_AND_TAX', 'Postage & Tax ');
define('TXT_WPSC_GRID', 'Grid View');
define('TXT_WPSC_CANT_MOVE_CATEGORY', 'You cannot move a product group with subcategories.');
define('TXT_WPSC_SURETODELETECATEGORY', 'Are you sure you want to delete this category? If the category has any subcategories, they will be deleted too.');
define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION', 'Variation');
define('TXT_WPSC_OVER_TWO_VARIATIONS', 'Variation stock and price control does not work if you have more than two variations.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRICE_AND_STOCK_CONTROL', 'Price and Stock Control') ;
// pe.{
define('TXT_WPSC_CATSBRANDSLOCATION', 'Categories & Brands Location');
define('TXT_WPSC_SINGLE_SHIPPING_COUNTRY', 'Shipping country:');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_ANOTHER_VARIATION', 'Add a variation');
// }.pe
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES', 'Select Categories');
define('TXT_WPSC_THANKS_DELETED', 'Thanks, the purchase log record has been deleted');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_PREVIEW', 'Product image');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_THUMBNAIL_PREVIEW', 'Product thumbnail');
define('TXT_WPSC_REMOVE_LOG', 'Remove this record');
define('TXT_WPSC_CATSANDBRAND', 'Categories & Brands');
define('TXT_WPSC_GOLD_DROPSHOP', 'DropShop');
define('TXT_WPSC_NEEDTOENABLEDROPSHOP', 'You need to install the Gold and DropShop extentions to use this');
define('TXT_WPSC_DRAG_ITEM_HERE', 'Drag any item here to add it to your cart.');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWCATEGORYTHUMBNAILS', 'Show Product Group Thumbnails');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOPPING_CART', 'Shopping Cart');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_SLIDING_CART', 'Use Sliding Cart');
define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW_FILE', 'Upload Preview');
define('TXT_WPSC_PREVIEW_FILE_NOTE', 'Note: If you do not upload a preview file and your server has sox compiled with MP3 support then a preview file will be created for you.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PURCHASE_NUMBER', 'Purchase No.');
define('TXT_WPSC_FILTER_ORDER', 'Filter Orders');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_SEARCH', 'Show Search');
define('TXT_WPSC_LOG_CURRENT_MONTH', 'Display results from current month');
define('TXT_WPSC_LOG_PAST_THREE_MONTHS', 'Display results from past three months');
define('TXT_WPSC_LOG_ALL', 'Display all results');
define('TXT_SHOW_IMAGES_ONLY', 'Show images only');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_GALLERY', 'Show Thumbnail Gallery');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASE_SELECT', 'Please select');
define('TXT_WPSC_TXN_ID', 'Transaction Id');
define('TXT_WPSC_SINGLE_PRODUCTTHUMBNAILSIZE', 'Single Product Image Size');
define('TXT_WPSC_RESET', 'Reset');
define('TXT_WPSC_ORDER_PENDING', 'Thank you, your purchase is pending, you will be sent an email once the order clears.');
define('TXT_WPSC_ORDER_FAILED', 'We\'re Sorry, your order has not been accepted, the most likely reason is that you have insufficient funds.');
// Adrian - added for the options I added
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_CATEGORY_COUNT', 'Show Product Count per Product Group');
define('TXT_WPSC_CATSPRODS_DISPLAY_TYPE', 'Product Groups/Products Display');
define('TXT_WPSC_CATSPRODS_TYPE_CATONLY', 'Product Groups Only (All products displayed)');
define('TXT_WPSC_CATSPRODS_TYPE_SLIDEPRODS', 'Sliding Product Groups (1 product per page)');
// Adrian - END new added options
define('TXT_WPSC_ORDER_DETAILS', 'Order Details');
define('TXT_WPSC_SAVE_PROFILE', 'Save Profile');
define('TXT_WPSC_USERACCOUNTURL', 'User Account URL');
define('TXT_WPSC_MUST_BE_LOGGED_IN', 'You must be logged in to use this page. Please use the form below to login to your account.');
define('TXT_WPSC_YOUR_ACCOUNT', 'Your Account');
define('TXT_WPSC_YOU_JUST_ADDED', 'You just added "[product_name]" to your cart.');
define('TXT_WPSC_SORRY_NONE_LEFT', 'Sorry, but the item "[product_name]" is out of stock.');
define('TXT_WPSC_CONTINUE_SHOPPING', 'Continue Shopping');
define('TXT_WPSC_ITEM_GONE_OUT_OF_STOCK', 'It appears that an item has gone out of stock, please go back and edit your order.');
define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAY_FANCY_NOTIFICATIONS', 'Display Fancy Purchase Notifications');
define('TXT_WPSC_IF_USER_CHECKOUT', 'If you have a user account, Please ');
define('TXT_WPSC_LOG_IN', 'log in.');
define('TXT_WPSC_IS_DONATION', 'This is a donation, checking this box populates the donations widget.');
define('TXT_WPSC_DONATION', 'Donation');
define('TXT_WPSC_DONATION_LC', 'donation');
define('TXT_WPSC_DONATION_SHIPPING', 'No shipping for donations');
define('TXT_WPSC_DOWNLOADABLEPRODUCT_URL', 'Product Filename');
define('TXT_WPSC_FILETOBEPRODUCTURL', 'Note: Upload your file to the e-commerce files directory and enter the filename here.');
define('TXT_WPSC_DONATIONS', 'Product Donations');
define('TXT_WPSC_WRONG_FILE_PERMS', 'The following directories are not writable: :directory: You won\'t be able to upload any images or files here. You will need to change the permissions on these directories to make them writable.');
define('TXT_WPSC_RESET_API', 'Reset API Key');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE', 'Products per Page');
define('TXT_WPSC_OPTION_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE', 'number of products to show per page');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAGE_NUMBER_POSITION', 'Page Number position');
define('TXT_WPSC_YOUR_BILLING_CONTACT_DETAILS', '1. Your billing/contact details');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVER_TO_A_FRIEND', '2. Shipping details');
define('TXT_WPSC_E_COMMERCE', 'e-Commerce');
define('TXT_WPSC_THANKS_SAVED', 'Thanks, your changes have been saved.');
define('TXT_WPSC_REGISTER', 'Register');
define('TXT_WPSC_TAX', 'Tax');
define('TXT_WPSC_USE_SHIPPING', 'Use Shipping');
define('TXT_WPSC_USE_SHIPPING_DESCRIPTION', 'If you are only selling digital downloads, you should select no to disable the shipping on your site.');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAGESETTINGS', 'Pagination settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_USE_PAGINATION', 'Use Pagination');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_PRODUCT', 'Add Product');
define('TXT_WPSC_EDIT_PRODUCT', 'Edit Product');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPDATE_PAGE_URLS', 'Update Page URLs');
define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATIONS_AND_SPECIALS_DONT_MIX', 'Note: You cannot currently set a special price on a product with variations');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_SPECIALS', 'Product Specials');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_SHARE_THIS', 'Show Share This (Social Bookmarks)');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_NO_PRODUCT', 'No Product');
define('TXT_WPSC_CHOOSE_DOWNLOADABLE_PRODUCT', 'Choose a downloadable file for this product:');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASECHOOSE', 'Please Choose');
define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_CONTROL', 'Variation Control');
define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_GRID_CONTROL_SINGLE', ':variation1: Control');
define('TXT_WPSC_VARIATION_GRID_CONTROL_PAIR', ':variation1: and :variation2: Control');
define('TXT_WPSC_VIEW_PREVIEW_CLIP', 'View Preview Clip');
define('TXT_WPSC_REQUIRE_REGISTRATION', 'Users must register before checking out');
define('TXT_WPSC_PLEASE_LOGIN', 'Please login or signup above to make your purchase');
define('TXT_WPSC_IF_JUST_REGISTERED', 'If you have just registered, please check your email and login before you make your purchase');
define('TXT_WPSC_SELECT_THEME', 'Select Theme');
define('TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_SUBJECT', 'New pending order');
define('TXT_WPSC_NEW_ORDER_PENDING_BODY', "There is a new order awaiting processing: \n\r ");
define('TXT_WPSC_NO_SHIPPING', "Disregard Shipping for this product");
define('TXT_WPSC_DEFAULT_MEMBERS_ONLY', "This page is for members only, you must log in to access this page");
define('TXT_WPSC_MEMBERSHIP_CONTROL', "Membership Control");
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_MEMBER_STATUS', "Is this product a membership?");
define('TXT_WPSC_PRODUCT_MEMBERSHIP_LENGTH', "Membership Length");
define('TXT_WPSC_DAYS', "Days");
define('TXT_WPSC_MONTHS', "Months");
define('TXT_WPSC_YEARS', "Years");
define('TXT_WPSC_MEMBERS_SUBSCRIPTION_ENDED', "Your subscription has ended.");
define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIVATE_SETTINGS_MEMBERS', 'Members Only Module');
define('TXT_WPSC_GOLD_CART', 'Gold Cart');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION', 'Show Product Group Description');
define('TXT_WPSC_ALSO_BOUGHT', 'People who bought this item also bought');
define('TXT_WPSC_MARKETING_SETTINGS', 'Marketing Settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_OPTION_ALSO_BOUGHT', 'Display Cross Sales');
define('TXT_WPSC_MARKETING', 'Marketing');
define('TXT_WPSC_DISPLAYCOUPONS', 'Coupons');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADD_COUPON', 'Add Coupon');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUPON', 'Coupon');
define('TXT_WPSC_ADDCOUPONS', 'Add Coupon');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUPON_CODE', 'Coupon Code');
define('TXT_WPSC_DISCOUNT', 'Discount');
define('TXT_WPSC_START', 'Start');
define('TXT_WPSC_EXPIRY', 'Expiry');
define('TXT_WPSC_USE_ONCE', 'Use Once');
define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIVE', 'Active');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUPONHASBEENADDED', 'Thanks, the coupon has been added.');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUPON', 'Coupon');
define('TXT_WPSC_COUPON_DOESNT_EXIST', 'That coupon has expired or does not exist.');
define('TXT_WPSC_DROPSHOPDISPLAY', 'DropShop Display');
define('TXT_WPSC_HIDEADDTOCARTBUTTON', 'Hide "Add to cart" button');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_DROPSHOP_ALL', 'Show Dropshop on every page');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOW_DROPSHOP_PRODUCT', 'Show Dropshop only on product page');
define('TXT_WPSC_PRICEAFTERDISCOUNT', 'Price after discount');
define('TXT_WPSC_ECOM_NEWS', 'WP e-Commerce News');
define('TXT_WPSC_SAVE_PRODUCT_ORDER', 'Save Product Order');
define('TXT_WPSC_ECOMMERCE_SUBSCRIBERS', 'e-Commerce Subscribers');
define('TXT_WPSC_USERID', 'User ID');
define('TXT_WPSC_REGISTEREDDATE', 'Registered Date');
define('TXT_WPSC_SUSPEND', 'Suspend');
define('TXT_WPSC_ACTIVATE', 'Activate');
define('TXT_WPSC_DROPSHOP_LIGHT', 'Use light Dropshop style');
define('TXT_WPSC_DROPSHOP_DARK', 'Use dark Dropshop style');
define('TXT_WPSC_MANUAL_PAYMENT', 'Manual Payment');
define('TXT_WPSC_CREDIT_CARD', 'Credit Card');
define('TXT_WPSC_CREDIT_CARD_AND_MANUAL_PAYMENT', 'Manual Payment and Credit Card');
define('TXT_WPSC_PAYMENT_INSTRUCTIONS', 'Enter the manual payment instructions that you wish to display');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHOWALL', "Show All");
define('TXT_WPSC_PRICE_RANGE', "Price Range");
define('TXT_WPSC_GOOGLE_RISK_AVS', "Address verification failed");
define('TXT_WPSC_GOOGLE_RISK_CVN', "Credit card verification failed");
define('TXT_WPSC_GOOGLE_RISK_BOTH', "Credit card and Address verification failed");
define('TXT_WPSC_GOOGLE_RISK', 'Google Risk');
define('TXT_WPSC_CANCEL_ORDER', 'Cancel this order');
define('TXT_WPSC_FIRST_NAME', 'First Name');
define('TXT_WPSC_LAST_NAME', 'Last Name');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_FIRST_NAME', 'Delivery First Name');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_LAST_NAME', 'Delivery Last Name');
define('TXT_WPSC_DELIVERY_STATE', 'Delivery State');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPWIREEMAIL', 'ShipWire Email');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPWIREPASSWORD', 'ShipWire Password');
define('TXT_WPSC_SHIPWIRESETTINGS', 'ShipWire Settings');
define('TXT_WPSC_NO_DOWNLOADABLES', 'You have not purchased any downloadable products yet.');
define('TXT_DISPLAY_VARIATIONS', 'Display Variations');
define('TXT_WPSC_NONAME', 'No Name');
define('TXT_WPSC_WEIGHT', 'Weight');
define('TXT_WPSC_LOG_TRANSACTIONACCEPTEDLOGS', 'Display only accepted transactions');
define('TXT_WPSC_SEARCHEMAIL', 'Search By Email');
|* UPS Text *|
// Weight Messages
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_AND_WEIGHT_ERROR_MESSAGE', "UPS does not support products without a weight set.\n\r Please either disable shipping for this product or give it a weight.");
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_AND_NO_WEIGHT', 'This product has a zero weight associated with it and you have UPS shipping enabled. UPS does not support products with zero weight, therefore if your product is a digital download, we would reccomend disabling shipping for this product.');
// Destination
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_DESTINATION', 'Destination Type');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_DESTINATION_COMMERCIAL', 'Commercial Address');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_DESTINATION_RESIDENTIAL', 'Residential Address');
// Packaging types
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_PACKAGING', 'Packaging');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_PACKAGING_YOURS', 'Your Packaging');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_PACKAGING_UEB_SMALL', 'UPS Express Box - Small');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_PACKAGING_UEB_MEDIUM', 'UPS Express Box - Medium');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_PACKAGING_UEB_LARGE', 'UPS Express Box - Large');
// Services Info
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_SERVICE_NOTE', 'All services used if no services selected');
// Pickup Type
define('TXT_WPSC_UPS_DAILY_PICKUP', 'Daily Pickup');
// Form Labels
define('TXT_WPSC_UPSSERVICES', 'UPS Preferred Services');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPSUSERNAME', 'UPS Username');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPSPASSWORD', 'UPS Password');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPSENV', 'Use Testing Environment');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPSID', 'UPS XML API Key');
define('TXT_WPSC_UPSNOTE', "Don't have an API login/ID ? Click Here ");
|* END UPS Text *|