DigiMina INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS For installation instructions, see INSTALL.txt UPDATING TRANSLATIONS 1. Checkout translator script (look for bundle/translator in repo) a. This folder should be placed inside the ROOT catalog of your plugin b. Python has to be installed in the system c. Your plugin should have "languages" directory 2. Go to translator directory (cd translator/) and run "python translations_picker.py" (Python 2.4.x or later; Python 3 is not supported) a. If no errors occured, your translation files have been updated b. In case of errors, see "errors.log" for details TRANSLATION SYSTEM NOTICE 1. Note, that translations for DigiMima plugin and automatically updated. a. That requires writing translatable strings in a certain manner b. Example /*translation:Some translatable text*/ elgg_echo('DOMAIN:some:translatable:text'); c. Translations picker knows to pick up the translation by "DOMAIN:" inside elgg_echo statement. d. The above line tells script that there is some text to be used in translations file for a certain identifier (text inside elgg_echo is used as a unique identifier). The translation text follows the "translation:" prefix inside comments line. e. Both these statements should be specified as shown in example, on separate lines the translation string followed by elgg_echo statement taht really handles the translations. f. Multimple elgg_echo statements are allowed on one line, see translation_picker.py for example